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https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=HOUSE+OF+ZAPOTE&rlz=1C1KYPB_enPH677PH677&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjumob3kv_WAhWBKZQKHT5oB6sQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=918#imgrc=raMKpPNRqZv8zM: |
After our teacher discusses
the story of house of Zapote Street she gave us a group activity. Our activity
is making a reportage about crimes happened in the Philippines. The crime that
our group chosen is about a teen survive
rape, murder attempt ,we make a video presentation about what happen to victim’s but suddenly we do wrong strategy
that’s why we got low grade. But Despite of that I learned that we must listen
to the instruction in order to create a better work.
After reading the story
of gulayan classroom I learned a good
lesson like how to care and love our nature, I leaned to plant in a pot and I realize
that it has benefit. Planting
vegetables provide enjoyment and remove stress. It also help me to save money
since I already have home garden.
The picture above shows the collection of
clothes that I have. I’ll starting
collecting clothes when I was
grade 10 and I really like
clothes especially I its colorful
because it is look cute. I use these clothes occasionally when
there’s a important event I need to attend.
After reading this story I learned a
lot, I realize that life is not easy we need to face the challenge to achieve
our goals in life. Child hood memories are the best experience that we can bring
in future.
After reading this poem I learned
a lot like we must we must fight our right.Every one has a right that why we must given attention for that.
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